Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Hair, Hair and more Hair!

           This savvy, sensible and sagacious little blog was inspired by my two most precious possessions, my girls! It is an account of our journey through motherhood (and "daughterhood") captured from the angle of hair care. Among so many other things, Two Heads is about the fact that I am so ecstatic to have two beautiful daughter’s who inspire me, test me, thrill me, stretch me, bless me and love me boundlessly. I have experienced the greatest highs and lowest lows as I have tried to be a suitable steward of their precious tresses and it has made me grow as a mother.

           My victories and defeats are chronicled here in hopes of helping moms (and dads) who share with me this heavy liability and awesome responsibility. By revealing this little piece of our lives we intend to encourage, comfort, enlighten and entertain those whose experiences are similar to our own. With Two Heads we will share “tips” about the triumphs and challenges of maintaining virgin African American hair of various types and textures (especially tips on products that really work). We will also throw in some advice on accessorizing and “fabulizing” the gorgeous gift God gave us (our locs). We will talk about diverse hairstyles and what looks work best with certain hair types. Finally, we will throw in a few nuggets on how to pull it all together, with hair, clothes and accessories and how to do it all without breaking the bank. The journey has just begun…  

Jeda’s faux hawk
First of all, this sassy little princess was dead set on NOT having a faux hawk. I personally thought the style was super cute and super trendy, so I suggested it to her. I also thought with so many re-inventions of the 80’s retro look , surely I would find a version that would look awesome on my little diva (I do use the word loosely ;-)).
Nonetheless, my child could not be convinced to dawn the hawk. I showed her photo, after photo in hopes of convincing her, with no luck. Then one day she decided (on her own as she does with most things) that she would try the faux hawk. What changed her very precocious little mind, I still don’t know. What I do know is one day when she was getting dressed she came to me and asked could she have a faux hawk and yes she did say “faux”.
Below you will see how to construct a super easy faux hawk on medium coarse hair and we will break it down step by step.

-Here Jeda’s hair is about 3 days out from her last shampoo (so it’s fairly clean but you will see, if don’t know all ready, some styles actually come out better when hair is "dirty").
-I sectioned the hair into four large sections (with horizontal parts from ear to ear). To secure the hair I use clear “ochless” elastics (by Goodies) that don’t catch and pull the hair.
-Each section was liberally moisturized with Luster’s Pink Oil Moisturizer and groomed thoroughly to smooth.
-To achieve the desired uniformed wave pattern I braided the four large section in an over-hand “plait” fashion and then knotted each section and secured with bobbi pins.
-Because Jeda’s hair was in its natural state (no blow drying and flat ironing) it got “wavy” very quickly with the help of the pink oil. It could have been styled within an hour or so of braiding but we were not in a hurry so we let it stay overnight.

Note: these first steps were done the day before creating the “faux hawk” style.
What I really love about this particular style is that you truly can have two or three iterations of the style before it’s all said and done. The “Nubian” knots (at least that’s what I call them) are a really cute and easy style all on its own, especially for the summer or if your daughter does a lot of activities. This is one simple way to keep the hair stylish and low maintenance and totally adorable at the same time.
-Typically to achieve a very smooth effect I will take off the elastics while hair is still braided and gently groom up the side and edges.
- I then put new elastics on. I undo the knots, unbraid the braids and tousle the hair.
- I only tousle a little though because I want the hair style to last a day or two.  My little one does more than enough tousling on her own during play time and the more the waves are disturbed the frizzier it will get (with most coarse hair textures). Therefore govern yourself accordingly as to how much you want to play in it versus how long you want the style to last. It can be very tempting to tease and scrunch, (but resist if you can).
-Finally spray with oil sheen (preferably one with shea or olive oil) and your done.

Now, you’ve got a cute little faux hawk to go with her faded jeans, pink converse and baby tee.

check back soon for more hair care tips!

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